Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You know you are a Texas when...

the waiter has not brought your drinks and you need to take Excedrine for your migraine, so you swallow your pills with a huge dollop of salsa.


Jamie said...

HA! Awesome!

LaVonne said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! This is so funny. Salsa!!! I took two tylenol gel caps today for a headache and I tried to do it without a drink. I felt it in my throat for like 20 minutes. I hate that feeling. Where is the salsa when I need it?

Anonymous said...

LOL I'd never survive in Texas...I'm a wimp when it comes to spicey salsa!!

Rebecca said...

Now that's desperation. A little jolt of spice, caffeine, and pain reliever ought to run off a headache any time, hmm?