Thursday, September 11, 2008

Small Town Football Games

Due to Hurricane Ike, we rescheduled our football game from Friday night to tonight. There's nothing quite like participating in football festivities. The corn dogs, nachos, frosty water bottles, squeals of children running with friends, and the clash of helmets and pads fill the air with the fun of small town football. The community of friends all watching out for each other and their children is endearing. New families are welcomed and given special name tags so we can welcome them with true southern hospitality. It's one of my favorite aspects of autumn. I love football. I love the fellowship of gathering around young men who are learning discipline and good sportsmanship. I love the smell in the air and the feeling when I am at one of these football games. I feel a part of Normal Rockwell's paintings and I find a certain twinge of sadness when the buzzer sounds at the end of the game. The cowbells are pack up, trash is gathered, kids are divided among families and we all wait again for the announcer in the pressbox to call us to attention for our next home game.

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