Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Biggest Loser

I watch one tv show in a 365 day period. That show is The Biggest Loser. I know, I'm a freak of society. I hate TV. It dictates my schedule, feeds me tidbits of information at a time and loads me up with a secular worldview. The only redeeming reason for a television is college football which is why we do not have the television hooked up the majority of the year.

Back to TBL ... I love biographies and this show is like an inspirational video biography. The determination and perseverance is so inspiring. Tonight is the kick-off. I wonder what will happen??

King and I are beginning a 6 week challenge for pushups and crunches. I will be working toward 100 knee pushups and 50 obliques, 50 upper and 50 lower crunches. My core is going to boot camp. When I have episodes, I will have to cease the bootcamp, but I will work toward this goal with the hope that I can keep my paralysis at bay.

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