Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Date Night

I haven't posted about Date Night in about a year. We still date once a week. This school year we have a date on Tuesday nights as Monday is our big homework day. At Princess' school, every day is a big homework day, but Monday has been our whopper. So, our sweet friend and babysitter, Jamie, comes on Tuesdays to hang with Princess while we escape for a couple of hours.

Oh the fun! We always go out to eat and then do something fairly practical like an errand that is more fun to do together than separately. Really the whole idea is just hanging out together and laughing and talking. That can happen at Target or Home Depot or a great restaurant. Last night we went to a new restaurant, Mimi's Cafe. We ordered the Corn Chowder (yum!), with the Tuscan Chicken as a main entree and their S'mores for dessert. Wow! It was all very good and the dessert was rich! I could only eat the top later of chocolate and marshmallows.
After dinner, we passed by Barnes and Noble, aka The Library at our house. We all three love to read and when Princess was little we just bought books to read instead of checking them out at the library. I was paralyzed all the time and couldn't make it to the library. We figured that the books were an invaluable investment in Princess. Consequently, for years Princess referred to Barnes and Noble as "The Library". :)
Much to my dismay, we passed by The Library and headed to Best Buy where I got a new earbud for my cell phone and a cable for the TV to watch The Biggest Loser. Woo-hoo! Go 'Bama Boys and the Black Team. :) I am actually rooting for almost everyone at this point.


Katybug said...

OMW, WHERE DID YOU EAT???? It looks DELISH! B&N is the same for us...Little Bit loves to go there, and so do we. BTW, LOVED your post on the new mattress. We're considering getting a new one...gonna have to sleep on it just a bit.

Get it???? ;-) I crack me up.

flowerpot said...

We ate at Mimi's ... the new restaurant in the mall by our house. It was delish. I think it is very hard to cook chicken just right and this cafe cooked it perfectly. It's probably the best cooked chicken that I have had. It was moist, not dry, cooked white, not pink. So good!