Thursday, July 26, 2007

Plasma Ride

Last night I took Princess with me on my walk (normally 3 miles) and this time, she rode her plasma car. We have a lot of hills in our area and finding a means of transportation for Princess has been difficult. Her little legs have trouble keeping up with me. We've tried her bike, walking and now the plasma car. The plasma car is the definite winner. I strapped a leash to the steering wheel and pulled her up hills and she rode down them. It was great fun for her and a great workout for me. All totalled, I pulled 60 pounds up and down hills for two miles. We would have done the whole smash, but we ran into a good friend and walking her back to her house was more fun and important than getting in that extra mile. This morning she joined me for my walk again, this time on her bike. I can really tell the Periodic Paralysis is affecting her muscles more all the time. She just doesn't have endurance like a normal kid her age. Aside from the fact that it began pouring rain 5 minutes into our walk, she did very well for the first mile and then she wanted to turn around. I guess when she comes with me, I will go for shorter walks, but it is always fun to share that exercise time together.
My eats are good. I usually only eat NS food at lunch now. Last night I cooked for the first time in weeks! It was rainy again yesterday, so we had black-eyed peas and corn bread. I was out of milk, so we used Dan Active yogurt instead. It turned out really yummy! We also grilled chicken sausages (this flavor was pablano peppers with queso). They are not fatty and are very tasty.

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