Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm Coming Back

I promise. January 5th will see activity every day on the ole bloggy. I'll try to catch you up on things of the past and present and future. No ghosts involved.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Talk About Jesus

Dear friend(s) in faithful attendance of this outpouring of my brain waves,

It is in times such as these that I wish I blogged more. So much is happening and the whole purpose of this blog is to capture life and to give us a way to remember life. Trouble is, I have no time to blog.

In the interest of being able to remember what it was that so consumed me, I will make a list of what I am doing (in no particular order):

All the technical support for the company (we have several million machines/customers)
All the customer support
Most of the sales
Dealing with resellers. 'Nough said.
Train our intern
Manage Princess' Periodic Paralysis (makes me tired to think where we are headed...)
Manage my Periodic Paralysis (very consuming in the fall/winter)
Disciple two single women
And last, but not least, being called to The Anchor (preliminary name). I can't talk about this now, but it's ministry. It's consuming. It's overwhelming. It's ... it's God calling our family to be poured out like a drink offering. We have been in the praying stage for months (years?) and are now moving into the preliminary formation stages ... still praying like crazy. Want to know what in the world I am talking about? This is it in a nutshell. Listen to the youtube and ask me questions. I love to talk about this and we are thrilled and scared to death at the same time.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Puppy Love

My mom's dog, Samson and our poodle, Dixie.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Strep Throat

Princess has strep throat. It was a take-away gift from Thanksgiving. :) She's pretty miserable, but started antibiotics today.

King and I are not feeling on top of our game either. I hope we are not getting sick...